ESRI Dev Summit Snark

Every year, without fail, ESRI embraces and endorses interoperability! This year, again,

Takeaway 5: ArcGIS Embraces Interoperability
ArcGIS continues to embrace interoperability by supporting new Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC), specifications (Web Map Tile Service [WMTS] and Web Processing Service [WPS]), making public its GeoServices REST specification and file geodatabase API. ArcGIS 10.1 also features enhanced support for native spatial types in commercial and open source databases.

Thought experiment: if ESRI truly embraced interoperability, at some point would one not expect it to cease to be a noteworthy topic?

FOSS4G North America Hotels

Finding hotels in DC can be a … PITA? Stronger? Hell stroll? Death munch? Face grind? Anyways, our room block at the fabulous Marriott chain is at the reasonable-only-in-DC rate of $189, which is even lower than the government rate. And the block is going away, so if you haven’t booked your room, do it now!

FOSS4G North America is Almost Here: April 10-11

FOSS4G North America is one month away! Due to venue restrictions (400 max!), we only have a limited number of registration spaces still remaining, so sign up soon!

We are proud of our program, which includes talks from open source developers, managers and visionaries. FOSS4G North America is a great opportunity to learn about the statue of the art, and how people are putting open source to use in their organizations. We hope to see you in DC!

FOSS4G NA Community Program Review

It’s that time again (so soon?), time for FOSS4G (North America!) attendees to review the presentation submissions and pick their favourites, so the program committee can build the most appealing (on average) program possible. Head on over to and do your duty!

FOSS4G North America - Presentation Deadline - March 1

Public service announcement! If you’ve been toying with the idea of doing a presentation at FOSS4G North America (April 10-12, in Washington, DS) as I have, it’s time to stop toying and start writing your abstract: the deadline for submissions is this Thursday, March 1.

Go submit your paper right now!