There are several nuggets in this webinar by David Eaves, but the one that really tickled my brain was the distinction between two almost identically named roles: project manager and product manager.
The project manager is optimizing for budget and schedule. Is the project on time? Are you delivering according to your agreed schedule? Then your project manager is doing a good job.
The product manager is optimizing for user satisfaction. Is the product fast and easy to use? Are the users happy to adopt it? Then your product manager is doing a good job.
The BC government has a project management office and in some respects it shows: big projects like ICM, MyEdBC and the iHealth systems have been delivered within their (very long) schedules and (incredibly huge) budget envelopes (plus or minus a bit).
On the other hand the projects above have also been catastrophically bad for users, rolling out with big performance failures and lots of of user push-back. In the case of the Nanaimo iHealth project, doctors have actually been suspended for refusing to use the system. Now there’s a system that needs some user acceptance testing!
The “product manager” role is one that’s very common in the private sector IT world, certainly at the big Silicon valley firms and the last two start-ups I’ve worked with. It’s not one I’ve seen much in the government space, with the exception of “digital transformation” carve-outs like GDS or USDS.
Delivering junk on time and on budget isn’t success, and neither is delivering a great system 2 years late and 100% over budget. Some kind of co-equal arrangement seems like a good idea:
Product and project managers see the same work through different lenses. And that’s a good thing when you are trying to achieve something special like bringing a new product to market as I was. But they both work for the same team. And when they join forces to collaborate, everyone benefits and the company wins. - Ron Yang
For all the electrons spilled speculating on what trends might apply to the Courtenay-Comox absentee ballots being counted next week, I feel like I haven’t seen the actual numbers from 2013 in print anywhere, so here they are from the 2013 Statement of Votes:
s. 98 Special
s. 99 Absentee - in ED
s. 100 Absentee - out of ED
s. 101 Absentee - advance
s. 104 Voting in DEO office
s. 106 Voting by mail
Some caveats:
Redistribution made the 2017 riding somewhat weaker for the NDP than it was in 2013. (Advantage: Liberals)
In 2017 the NDP candidate did somewhat better than in 2013. (Advantage: NDP)
In 2013 the NDP candidate lost the riding but (barely) won the absentee tally. (Advantage: NDP)
With those caveats in mind, the final conclusion: anyone who tells you that there’s a predictable direction the absentee ballot will go based on past results is blowing smoke up your ***.
I spent the last few months using PostgreSQL for real work, with real data, and I’ve been really loving some of the more esoteric features. If you use PostgreSQL on a regular basis, learning these tools can make your code a lot more readable and possibly faster too.
Distinct On
A number of the tables I had to work with included multiple historical records for each individual, but I was only interested in the most recent value. That meant that every query had to start with some kind of filter to pull off the latest value for joining to other tables.
It turns out that the PostgreSQL DISTINCT ON syntax can spit out the right answer very easily:
No self-joining or complexity here, the tuple set is sorted into id/time order, and then the distinct on clause pulls the first entry (which is the most recent, thanks to the sorting) off of each id grouping.
Filtered Aggregates
I was doing a lot of reporting, so I built a BI-style denormalized reporting table, with a row for every entity of interest and a column for every variable of interest. Then all that was left was the reporting, which rolled up results across multiple groupings. The trouble was, the roll-ups were oftenly highly conditional: all entities with this condition A but not B, compared with those with B but not A, compared with all entities in aggregate.
Ordinarily this might involve embedding a big case statement for each conditional but with filtered aggregates we get a nice terse layout that also evaluates faster.
I would routinely end up with 20-line versions of this query, which spat out spreadsheets that analysts were extremely happy to take and turn into charts and graphs and even decisions.
Window Functions
My mind aches slightly when trying to formulate window functions, but I was still able to put them to use in a couple places.
First, even with a window wide enough to cover a whole table, window functions can be handy! Add a percentile column to a whole table:
Second, using ordinary aggregates in a window context can create some really groovy results. Want cumulated sales over store territories? (This might be better delegated to front-end BI display software, but…)
Alert readers will note the above example won’t provide a perfect output table if there are days without any sales at all, which brings me to a side note cool feature: PostgreSQL’s generate_series function (Regina Obe’s favourite function) supports generating time-based series!
Normally you’ll probably generate boring 1-day, or 1-week, or 1-month series, but the ability to generate arbitrarily stepped time series is pretty cool and useful. To solve the cumulation problem, you can just generate a full series of days of interest, and left join the calculated daily amounts to that, prior to cumulation in order to get a clean one-value-per-day cumulated result.
Left Join and Coalesce
This is not really an advanced technique, but it’s still handy. Suppose you have partial data on a bunch of sales from different sources and in different tables. You want a single table output that includes your best guess about the value, what’s the easiest way to get it? Left join and coalesce.
Start with a base table that includes all the sales you care about, left join all the potential sources of data, then coalesce the value you care about into a single output column.
The coalesce function takes the first non-NULL value it encounters in its parameters and returns that as the value. The practical effect is that, in the case where the first two tables have no rows for a particular base record, and the third does, the coalesce will skip past the first two and return the non-NULL value from the third. This is a great technique for compressing sparse multiple input sources into a terse usable single output.
Notwithstanding the Premier’s desire to frame economic devopment as a triumph of will, and notwithstanding the generous firehosing of subsidies and taxbreaks on the still nascent sector, the number of LNG pipelines and terminals in operation in Kitimat remains stubbornly zero. The markets are unlikely to relent in time to make the 2020 deadline.
And about that “conference”?
Like the faux “Bollywood Awards” that the government paid $10M to stage just weeks before the 2013 election, the “LNG in BC” conference was a government organized “event” put on primarily to advance the pre-election public relations agenda of the BC Liberal party.
In case anyone had any doubts about the purpose of the “event”, at the 2014 edition an exhibitor helpfully handed out a brochure to attendees, featuring an election night picture of the Premier and her son, under the title “We Won”.
The “LNG in BC” conference continued to be organized by the government for two more years, providing a stage each year for the Premier and multiple Ministers to broadcast their message.
The government is no longer organizing an annual LNG confab, despite their protestations that the industry remains a key priority. At this point, it would generate more public embarassment than public plaudits.
Instead, we have a new faux “conference”, slated to run March 14-15, just four weeks before the 2017 election begins: the #BCTech Summit.
Like “LNG in BC”, the “BCTech Summit” is a government-organized and government-funded faux industry event, put on primarily to provide an expensive backdrop for BC Liberal politicking.
The BC Innovation Council (BCIC) that is co-hosting the event is itself a government-funded advisory council run by BC Liberal appointees, many of whom are also
partydonors. To fund the inaugural 2016 version of the event, the Ministry of Citizens Services wrote a direct award $1,000,000 contract to the BCIC.
The pre-election timing is not coincidental, it is part of a plan that dates all the way back to early 2015, when Deputy Minister Athana Mentzelopoulos directed staff to begin planning a “Tech Summit” for spring of the following year.
“We will not be coupling the tech summit with the LNG conference. Instead, the desire is to plan for the tech summit annually over the next couple of years – first in January 2016 and then in January 2017.” – email from A. Mentzelopoulos, April 8, 2015
The intent of creating a “conference” to sell a new-and-improved government “jobs plan”, and the source of that plan, was made clear by the government manager tasked with delivering the event.
“The push for this as an annual conference has come from the Premier’s Office and they want to (i) show alignment with the Jobs Plan (including the LNG conference) and (ii) show this has multi-ministry buy-in and participation.” – S. Butterworth, April 24, 2015
The event was not something industry wanted. It was not even something the BCIC wanted. It was something the Premier’s Office wanted.
And so they got it: everyone pulled together, the conference was put on, and it made a $1,000,000 loss which was dutifully covered by the Province via the BC Innovation Council, laying the groundwork for 2017’s much more politically potent version.
This year’s event will be held weeks before the next election. It too will be subsidized heavily by the government. And as with the LNG conference, exhibitors and sponsors will plunk down some money to show their loyalty to the party of power.
The platinum sponsors of LNG in BC 2015 were almost all major LNG project proponents: LNG Canada, Pacific Northwest LNG, and Kitimat LNG. Were they, like sponsors at a normal trade conference, seeking to raise their profile among attendees? Or were they demonstrating their loyalty to the government that organized the event and then approached them for sponsorship dollars?
It is hard to avoid the conclusion that these events are just another conduit for cash in our “wild west” political culture, a culture that shows many of the signs of “systematic corruption” described by economist John Wallis in 2004.
“In polities plagued with systematic corruption, a group of politicians deliberately create rents by limiting entry into valuable economic activities, through grants of monopoly, restrictive corporate charters, tariffs, quotas, regulations, and the like. These rents bind the interests of the recipients to the politicians who create them.”
Systematically corrupt governments aren’t interested in personally enriching their members, they are interested in retaining and reinforcing their power, through a virtuous cycle of favours: economic favours are handed to compliant economic actors who in turn do what they can to protect and promote their government patrons.
The 2017 #BCTech conference already has a title sponsor: Microsoft. In unrelated news, Microsoft is currently negotiating to bring their Office 365 product into the BC public sector. If the #BCTech conference was an ordinary trade show, these two unrelated facts wouldn’t be cause for concern. But because the event is an artificially created artifact of the Premier’s Office, a shadow is cast over the whole enterprise.
Who is helping who here, and why?
A recent article in Macleans included a telling quote from an anonymous BC lobbyist:
If your client doesn’t donate, it puts you at a competitive disadvantage, he adds. It’s a small province, after all; the Liberals know exactly who is funding them, the lobbyist notes, magnifying the role donors play and the access they receive in return.
As long as BC remains effectively a one-party state, the cycle of favors and reciprocation will continue. Any business subject to the regulatory or purchasing decisions of government would be foolish not to hedge their bets with a few well-placed dollars in the pocket of BC’s natural governing party.
The cycle is systematic and self-reinforcing, and the only way to break the cycle, is to break the cycle.
While thinking about the failure of the Cerner roll-out in Nanaimo, where an expensive COTS electronic health record (EHR) system has been withdrawn after the medical staff rejected it, I have had a couple thoughts.
Origins Matter
As I noted in my post, I actually expected the Cerner roll-out on Vancouver Island to go fine. Proven software, specialized company, no shortage of cash. But it didn’t go fine. Among the complaints were things you’d expect to have been ironed out of a mature product ages ago: data entry efficiency, user-friendly displays of relevant data at relevant places, plain old system speed and responsiveness.
Why would a system rolled out in multiple US hospitals display these drawbacks?
I’m wondering if some of the issue might be the origin story: Cerner is an EHR developed and deployed first in the USA. As such, one of the main value propositions of the system would be the fine-grained tracking and management of billable events. To the people purchasing the system, the hospital managers, the system would pay for itself many times over just by improving the accounting aspect of hospital management. Even if it made patient care less efficient, the improvement in billing alone could make the system fiscally worthwhile.
Recently, a colleague told me about the ambulance dispatch system BC procured a decade ago. Like Cerner, it was a US system. It handled dispatch fine, and still does. What was odd about the system was that when you cracked open the user manuals, over 75% of the material was about how to configure and manage billing. The primary IT pain point for these US organizations is the incredibly complicated accounting issues associated with their multiple-payer private health insurance system, and the system reflects that.
What I’m getting at here is that if you go to a US reference customer for one of these systems and ask “how did it work for you, was it good?”, when they answer “it is great, it has really made things better!” what they mean by “better” might not be what you might mean by “better”, at least not 100%.
Cost of Safe, Proven Systems
My second thought on the Cerner roll-out was about the timelines associated with software procurement, particularly when the goal is a “safe, proven choice”. IT managers – particularly ones who are, deep in their hearts, afraid of technology – like a safe, proven choice. They like software that someone else with a similar business is already using, in a similar way.
When you’re talking about big production systems, that may take a couple years to set up, and another couple years to roll out progressively to a large front-line staff, there’s a number of big lags:
If you take two years to configure and a year to roll out, the software will be three years old before your staff is all using it.
Your procurement process will itself probably take a year.
If during procurement, you only consider software that has been in operation for a year somewhere else, that adds a year.
The organization you are using as your reference will in turn have taken 3 years to prepare and roll-out.
So, assuming the software was brand new when the reference organization chose it, your staff will be getting software at least 8 years old by the time your roll-out is complete.
This is more-or-less exactly what happened to the Ministry of Children and Families in the ICM procurement.
The software that runs their basically “brand new” system (I believe final roll-out was officially finished last year) is now over a decade old, and shows it.
The reason consumer-facing systems are always au courant, lovely and fast, is because they are maintained by dedicated teams who are charged with continuous improvement. As long as we purchase systems like we build bridges, as a one-time capital expense followed by decades of disintegration and then replacement, we can expect our enterprise systems to lag far far behind.