PostGIS Day in STL
27 Feb 2020Every year, on the second Wednesday of November, Esri (“the Microsoft of GIS”) promotes a day of celebration, “GIS Day” in which the members of our community unite to tell the world about the wonders of cartography and spatial data and incidentally use their software a lot in the process.
And every year, for the last number of years, on the day after “GIS Day”, a motley crew of open source users and SQL database afficionados observe “PostGIS Day”. Until this fall, I had never had a chance to personally participate in a PostGIS Day event, but this year Crunchy sponsored a day in St Louis, and I got to talk an awful lot about PostGIS.
It was really good, and I feel like there’s lots more to be done, if only on the subject of spatial SQL and analysis in the database. Here’s the talks I gave, the balance are on the event page.